Like A Goat On AstroTurf

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So, how are you doing?
I ask that with genuine sincerity because it’s starting to feel a little like a déjà vu and if you’re more confused than a goat on AstroTurf then I’m sure no one will blame you.
So please, please, please, if you are having a wobble, no matter how big or small, any feelings of despair, uncertainty, panic or if you just need a half an hour to vent, pick up the phone!
A lot of the panic at the first lockdown was around what support would be available in the short term, who would get it and when. We know the current support measures in place during this lockdown (well, today we do!), and now the worries have shifted to how/can we get through this, for however long it lasts (please let me how long this will last?!), until it’s no longer an issue.
Dreams of normality by Christmas seem to have faded and quite what the next 6 months looks like is anyone’s guess! If you do like guessing, head to Facebook – plenty of conspiracy theories from Brenda from Blackburn to feast on! By the way Brenda, it makes no difference that you think masks don’t work (study cited from the University of Moss Side), you formed an online petition and a Crowd Funding campaign…….your business is still shutting for a month.
The thing is, how you feel about it will change day to day. One day you’ve got your sh!t completely together, the next day you’re losing it faster than Bobo from the Chimpanzee enclosure at Chester Zoo! All perfectly normal initial reactions. All totally understandable.
I’ve gone back to an article I wrote at the start of Lockdown 1 about controlling the controllables. You could be like Brenda moaning about things you can’t control or just use that same energy to control the things you can, even if it feels like right now there’s nothing you can control. The acid test as to whether something is worth worrying about is by using the flowchart in the article, it’s a gem!
I’m not saying blind optimism is the solution, but blind meltdown won’t help much either.
Picking up the phone, discussing the problem and looking at the solutions with us is controlling a controllable and we’re here to help. We might not have a magic wand to make it go away (we wish we did!), but the old adage of a problem shared…….
Remember, you’ve got this more than you think!
Click here to book a call in with us.