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Business stress keeping you awake at night?

Thriving In Your Business & Your Life

Business stress keeping you awake at night?


“The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.” – Chris Brogan

Owning a business is stressful, especially if you’re on your own. You may feel isolated and that you must do it all yourself – without the support of someone to bounce your concerns and ideas off. Maybe you’ve wanted to ask for help but don’t know who to ask. Well, we’re helping business owners just like you reduce their stress and sleep better at night.

Whether you need help to review your tax situation to ensure you’re only paying what you need to (without nasty surprises), or you need help planning and prioritising the right things for your business so you can stay a step ahead… there are many ways we can help you achieve mind freedom.

Some tips for achieving mind freedom:


1. Make a plan.

  • Set your long-term goals and break them down into short term goals and actions.
  • Make sure you reflect on them weekly and that your daily tasks work toward achieving them.

2. Celebrate your wins.

  • At the end of each week, write down your biggest win of the week.
  • On the days when you’re feeling stressed, look back at your wins for better perspective.

3. Schedule time for yourself in your diary.

  • Whether you like hitting the gym, ocean swimming or daily meditation, clearing your mind with exercise and time out will help you transition from ‘work’ to ‘home’ mode.
  • Prioritising the things that make you happy will also help you be more effective at work.

4. Turn off technology at night.

  • Put aside your phone and have some technology free time before bed. Read a book or listen to a podcast or music. You may need to invest in an old school alarm clock, but leaving your phone out of the bedroom will help you relax and get a better night’s sleep.

5. Set boundaries.

  • Decide the things that matter most to you and prioritise them.
  • You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You don’t have to coach your daughter’s football team and join the school PTA.
  • Only take on commitments that you’ll really enjoy.
  • No is a full sentence. Learn to use it more.

Get in touch to find out more about the services we provide to help with achieving mind, time and financial freedom. There are so many ways we can help, starting with a complimentary one hour meeting to help you establish your personal and business goals.